Aslam O Alaikum,
I have just noticed that my credit is being deducted from my mobile account. I am in Pakistan and using Warid Tel network. I see my mobile credit details after few hours on my screen. This facility is provided only by Warid Telecom that they provide your credit details each time you make a call or send SMS.
I checked my Message,Calls logs emails logs etc but no point where i can check that why me credit is being deducted. Absolutely nothing found. :-/
I called Warid Tel support center and the guy told me that there are 4 SMS that have been sent internationally from my iPhone 5. Whattt???? :O I have't sent even a single one. He was bound not to tell me the number however i found that number from Warid Tel online portal.
That magical number was 00447786205094.
Warid Web Self Service Portal
I googled and found that its UK number and an iPhone application Facetime/iMessage used to send text to this number for their activation without notifying user. Thanks to Warid who always send details after a credit deduction otherwise i would have never known about this.
The way i found to bypass this SMS is, when the below screen comes up, DO NOT click OK. It will send SMS to that number. Click on settings and then just exit the screen.
I found an article saying the almost same here. You may need to translate its language.
Thank You.